Information Architecture


We will create an engaging, fun website for Hawaiian Jellys that effectively conveys the fun, fit brand essence and enables customers to easily complete purchases.

  • Modern, simple and intuitive UI (user interface)
  • Quick and easy pathways to purchase
  • Clean and efficient backend and order fulfillment process
  • Fun, relaxed aesthetic and user experience


The target audience is quite broad and includes men and women ranging from teens to the elderly.

  • Primary users are expected to be in their workforce years of 25-60 years old.
  • People with plantar fascitis - Ten percent of the world, which equates to 700 million people.

Template Design

Initial presentation will include two (2) design concepts consisting of a homepage and product detail page.

Below is a complete list of templates required for the site. Those highlighted in red will undergo a formal design process including a presentation and 2 rounds of revision. All others will be designed based on the approved conceptual design direction and UI/UX best practices.

Landing page for site.
Product listing page: grouped by the collection (category) a product is assigned to, product tags, brands, and sale status.
Product Detail
Individual product page from which users make a purchase decision.
Flexible template used to house all static site content such as about, retailers, privacy policy etc.


  • Contact
  • Thank You / Receipt
Product Locator
Displays contents of the shopping cart with the ability to manage quantity of each line item or remove it from the cart.
List articles displayed in reverse chronology. This template is also used for blog archives such as date and tags.
Single blog post.
Form for searching all site content including products, page content and articles by keyword. Also lists results.
My Account
User dashboard for managing profile & contact information, shipping addresses, puchase history and newsletter subscriptions.


  • Purchase History
  • Edit Profile
  • Log in
  • Register

Site Map

  • Home
  • Shop
    • Collections
    • Single Product
  • Where to Buy
  • Testimonials
    • Submit a testimonial
  • Contact Us
  • About / Why Hawaiian Jellies
  • FAQs / Customer Support
    • Shipping
    • Returns
  • Blog / In the News
    • Single Article
    • Tag Archives
  • Search
  • Retailers
  • Cart
    • Confirmation / Receipt
  • My Account
    • Register / Log in
    • Shipping & Billing information
    • Purchase history
    • Email and Password
  • Terms & Conditions
  • Privacy Policy


Header: Main

  • Home (Logo)
  • Mens
  • Womens
  • Kids
  • About
  • Contact

Header: Utility

  • Log in / Register
  • Cart (includes number of)
  • Where to Buy


  • Shop
    • Mens
    • Womens
    • Kids
    • On Sale
    • Search
    • Where to Buy
  • Connect
    • Facebook
    • Twitter
    • Pinterest
    • Contact Us
    • Phone number
    • Newsletter
  • Customer Service
    • Shipping
    • Returns
    • FAQs
    • Log in / My Account

Footer Components

  • Copyright
  • Terms & Conditions
  • Privacy Policy


Shopify CMS
Powerful cloud-based (SaaS) content management system with a built-in e-commerce framework.
E-Commerce Powered by Shopify
Sell physical, shippable products online. Supports coupon codes, automaic tax calculation, sales reports, inventory management and 3PL order fullfillment.
Customer Accounts
Allow customers to create accounts where they can store shipping information for future purchases and track purchase history. Supports Amazon SSO.
Blogging Platform
Post articles organized by category, tag and date.
Image and Media Galleries
Upload images and videos for use in embedded galleries on pages, articles and products.
Retailer Locator
List brick-and-mortar retail locations within an interactive map to allow users to purchase HJ products in person. Supports searching by address or direct exploration/manipulation of the map.
Product Reviews and Ratings
Allow users to submit reviews of the products on a per-product basis.
Post consumer testimonials about their experiences with Hawaiian Jellys
Contact Form
Allow users to submit messages to Hawaiian Jellys via online form, delivered via email.
Site Search
Search all site content including pages, posts and products by keyword.
Newsletter Registration
Form to allow users to register for Hawaiian Jellys marketing newsletter.
Social Media Sharing links
Share product, post and testimonials to social media platforms: Faceook, Twitter and Pinterest.
SEO Tools
Edit SEO-specific page title and description tags.